viernes, enero 25, 2008

Prius Tops The List As Japanese Cars Continue to Dominate Car-Owner Satisfaction Surveys

super size me

comentan en la peli:

porque la gente dice a los fumadores que dejen de fumar que es malo para la salud. y a los gordos no les dicen que dejen de comer que estar gordo tambien es malo para la salud.

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Si os aburris podeis ver pelis gratis en internet en estas dos paginas:

El funcionamiento es parecido a youtube, de la lista que haya, elegis una peli y no la bajais, se va cargando online.

gentileza de ota.

can leadership be taught?

no, but it can be learned. Again, the key is the exercise of the spacebetween stimulus, that is the teaching, and response, that is the learning, and if people will exercise their freedom of choice to learn the knowledge, skills and character traits associated with leadership (vision, discipline, passion and conscience), they will learn to be leaders that others will happily chooose to follow. In a very real sense they are both followers of principles. Ultimately a good leadership team is a complementary team where people´s strengths are made productive and their weaknesses made irrelevant by the strenghs of others.

el poder del ahora

el secreto de la vida es "morir antes de morir" y descubrir que no hay muerte.